
Equibar | Hemofluid

Guidolin Equibar - USA

EquiBar, the newest brand from Guidolin Horses, is an innovative product that aims to support the wellbeing and health of horses. These special functional bars are created with the use of herbal ingredients and all-natural plant substances that can provide effective therapeutic treatment of major horse illnesses.

Equibar Hemofluid – Bar-shaped complementary feed for horses, to be administered on its own or together with meals, prepared using medicinal herbs with effective anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, blood fluidity and draining properties, which act on the functioning of the microcirculation with a natural invigorating, toning and anti-inflammatory action. Hemofluid should be integrated in the daily diet of fully active horses, as well as those at rest, such as elderly horses. Administered regularly, its balanced and completely natural formula guarantees gradual positive action on the animal’s microcirculatory system without placing strain on other organs, such as the liver.

The use of Hemofluid is recommended for horses subject to navicular syndrome, swollen limbs and idiopathic synovitis, as well as tendinitis.

It is a balanced formula that combines the precious active ingredients of willow, grape and ginkgo biloba to aid the optimal functioning of the microcirculation and, consequently, the well-being of the horse.

The main advantages of using Equibar Hemofluid are:

  • Improved microcirculation, greater fluidity and flow of blood, particularly in the limbs and hooves.
  • Reduction of swelling present in the form of joint and tendon idiopathic synovitis.
  • Vigour and tone of limbs and body.

Benefits have also been found in terms of increased shine of the coat, resulting from oxygenation and antioxidant action, and the alleviation of itching caused by insect bites.