Gianni Guidolin Group is an international company, with more than 40 year expertise continuously developing innovative solutions and process in horse feed and pet food strongly believing in nutritional research as basis.
Our mission is to provide top quality horse feed and pet food, selecting and controlling each ingredient and finished product to comply to the highest standards, gently working the best ingredients with our unique and innovative thermo-flaking process to make them digestible, preserving all their nutrients.
In Gianni Guidolin Group process allows to delete any preservatives, colorings, flavorings and by-products to create the most natural and organic feed. Nutritive and well balanced horse feed and pet food to provide animals fuel to a healthy life. Therefore taking care of each step of the production is our creed.
Wanting to provide the US market these products, Guidolin Usa (Gianni Guidolin Group) has opened since August 2018 its first US branch located in Florida. This will be another important point for the group to be add to Europe, UK, Middle East, Hong Kong, with already 3 active warehouses.
Our wish in USA market is not only to provide top quality horse feed and pet food, but also creating a strong bond with our consumer being the trustworthy expert to know more on feed and animal care.